
Afwijkend BTW-tarief

Some countries apply a different VAT rate. When ordering, our system looks at whether the delivery address is within the Netherlands. If not so, it will automatically check what VAT rate should be handled. If it is a different rate than our 21% or 9%, the price will instantly change.

The specific countries
Different VAT rates will be applied in the following countries:

Country Rate
Finland 24%
France 20%
Germany 19%
Sweden 25%


If you, as a private individual who normally resides outside the EU, purchase goods from Cameranu and if you export these goods within 3 months of your purchase, then you can claim back the VAT via our company. However, a number of conditions are linked to this. First of all, you will need to buy the goods from our shop including VAT. It’s important for you to include your name and residence outside the EU on the invoice.

Moreover, you will need to organize an export stamp on the original invoice from the applicable customs office in the EU. For example the customs at Schiphol Airport, when you are leaving Europe. The next step is to send this, together with your bank/giro details, and a copy of your passport (which shows you normally reside outside of Europe) to Cameranu, Het Spijk 8, 8321WT, Urk, The Netherlands

In summary

  1. You first buy the goods including VAT
  2. Invoice name/address must be outside the EU
  3. Copy of passport which shows the person resides outside the EU
  4. Passport is in the same name as the invoice
  5. Export within 3 months of purchase date
  6. Stamp and signature on the original invoice