

If a product is in stock we will send it immediately after payment is received. Paying with iDeal is the quickest option, since we are able to verify these payments straight away.

Credit card, Paypal, or Afterpay payments cannot always be verified immediately, since we are reliant on external systems.

If you opt for payment by bank transfer it can take several work days before we are able to verify your payment and send your order.

After your order is sent we will update you about the delivery through a tracking website.


Standard delivery orders over 50 euros without additional delivery options and a delivery address in the Netherlands, Belgium, or Germany are free of charge. For orders under 50 euros you pay a delivery fee of €3,95.

If you would like to use one of our special delivery options, such as Extra early, Sunday delivery, or same day delivery, we will add a small extra fee. While placing your order you will always see the exact costs of each delivery option.

Costs for delivery abroad vary per available option. In the final stage of placing your order you will see the exact costs of each option. Delivery by our own courier costs 20 euros.